Home Inspections | Utah

Home Inspections | Utah

1600 sf $225 -275 Townhome/Condo/Sm Home 2000 sf $275-350

***We Are Going Out For Business!***

RIIPCO stands for Restoration, Improvement, Inspection, and Preservation of your home and other properties you may own. 

What makes us TOPS and QUALIFIED is that we have not only done inspections but have actually performed various work on major home systems, having been a licensed general contractor and licensed NYS Home Inspector since 2008!

We want to be in your service and for life. We offer top quality home inspections by qualified inspectors with you as our TOP PRIORITY; we strive for EXCELLENCE by providing personal attention, excellent pricing, and prompt courteous service.

Need an INSPECTION; having difficulty; perhaps, scheduling conflicts or other issues, give us a shot and if possible, we'll move heaven and earth to accommodate. 

While we strive to do our utmost, no home or inspection is perfect, but does reduce the risk. We want you armed to make informed decisions; not stuck with a Lemon; but rather, turning it into a Lemonade of possibilities.

So CHEERS, to moving into your slice of heaven, with PEACE of Mind in your new haven, knowing you've reduced your risk!

Call or Text: (801) 690-4691 to discuss your needs, and we'll help you right away.

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Please Don't Keep us a Secret * Send us REFERRALS! 

Look us up on fb, LinkedIn, and we will be adding more soon.