Keen Eye For Details | Realtors, Home Buyers, Sellers

Keen Eye For Details | Realtors, Home Buyers, Sellers

While Utah does not require a Home Inspection License along with the many classroom and field work hours of demonstrated competency, with continuing education; most good Inspectors at least do some online courses with a designation. 

We hope to make this a good experience for you, with accurate, detailed, and concise findings.

Realtors: Good Realtors know that one of the great weapons against RED FLAGS, or nasty home-maintenance surprises for their clients, is a home inspection!

A Home Inspection is just one of the stops along the navigational process a Realtor walks their clients through. They will be able to best direct you on the home and choices you will need to make. That's why it is a good idea to have a professional Realtor guide you, they've got your back!

An informed client with the right touch and superior service of a good Realtor, will make for a more happier client, and to them, you are very important! 

Home Buyers: Your new HOME ought to be a warm, cozy HAVEN - a place where you feel safe and secure with peace of mind! There is no place like home!

Sellers: Catch potential problems with a PRE-or PARTIAL INPSECTION that may arise from a Buyers Inspection, bringing attention to the need for maintenance or repairs before the sale of your property, causing unnecessary worry for all parties concerned; time delays, price concessions, or losing the sale altogether. DON"T GET CAUGHT OFF GUARD!

A Valuable Tool: A Home Inspection doesn't have to be something feared, but can be a valuable tool by a professional like Jim at RIIPCO, which can be fun, informative; revealing the good, bad, and sometimes ugly about the home, can serve as a crash course in general home-maintenance and repair.

We will inspect every area of the home; physical structure and home systems, roof to the crawlspace, interior and exterior, landscape and drainage, locate potential safety concerns or hazards, and everything in between without being alarmists; we care about YOU, and go out of our way for our Clients and Realtors alike, We will shoot straight, yet stating the facts and with the assistance of your Realtor, potential solutions if needed! 

RIIPCO, trusted since 2008, we have conducted thousands of thorough visual examinations, and we provide you with reports that are accurate, detailed, concise (no fluff), and rapid turnaround times, thermal imaging available, photographs, and/or videos, outlining property building and structural systems, plumbing, heating and air, electrical systems, and insulation energy efficiency windows, doors, attic, and anywhere else observed. You are our top priority!