Multi-Unit Inspection

Multi-Unit Inspection

*two family*

Get a Home Inspection from RIIPCO and Prevent Huge Expenses!

At this juncture we found a broken spigot, damaged downspout, loose and rusted bracket, missing extension, not extending far enough from the building for water to egress, causing saturation, moisture penetration behind the siding which too had some damages, including splits, cracks, dents rust, and foundation cracks; including water ingress- seeping its way behind the siding into the underlayment (WRB) and sheathing, which over time, could cause rotting, decay, foul smells, mildew or mold, creeping critters, termites, radon gas, and other unwanted problems.

We recommend a qualified specialist(s) further inspect and make necessary repairs to preserve the property's integrity. 

With the above observed and noted at the time of inspection, once further inspected and if work completed early enough by a qualified specialist, should be very simple fixes, but we make no expressed warranty or guarantee of any outcome.

Side note: This inspection was from an asset manager we did a lot of work for, and since this was caught early enough, the repairs were relatively minor and inexpensive, but not until further investigation was done, things opened up, and caught early enough, otherwise, this could have turned out to be much worse. 

$515 up to 3200 sf 75-125 ea. 1000 sqft.


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